Omega for Desktop MAC

Download TWS Standalone for MAC
To install to the latest TWS Mac OS production release on your computer, hold down the Control Key, and with your mouse click on the button below:
From the menu, click "Download Link to Disk."
Once the file has downloaded to your desktop, move the file to your Home directory (this is a folder listed on your hard drive within the Users folder).
Access the command line terminal from the Applications menu. First select Utilities and then select Terminal.
At the command line, create a directory called IBJts and load TWS files by typing:
jar xf unixmacosx.jar
Press return
Change the directory to IBJts by typing:
cd IBJts
Press Return.
To run TWS, type or copy:
java -cp jts.jar:hsqldb.jar:jcommon-1.0.12.jar:jfreechart-1.0.9.jar:jhall.jar:other.jar:rss.jar -Xmx512M -XX:MaxPermSize=128M jclient.LoginFrame .
Press Return.